chilled adj. 已冷的,冷却了的;冷淬过的;(肉等)冷冻了的,经过冷藏的。 chilled castings 冷硬铸件。 chilled meat 冷藏肉。 a chilled shell 硬铁弹。 a chilled projectile 破甲弹。 chilled to the bone 冷彻骨髓。
meat n. 1.(食用)肉。 2.〔古语〕食物;〔古语〕餐。 3.(蛋、贝、果子等的)肉;(蟹、虾等的)肉。 4.(书的)内容,实质。 butcher's meat 家畜的肉。 white [light] meat 白肉〔指鸡等禽类胸脯肉〕。 red meat 红肉〔指牛肉、羊肉等〕。 dark meat 黑肉〔指烧不白的鸡(腿)肉〕。 green meat 青菜,蔬菜。 inside meat 可吃的内脏。 One man's meat is another man's poison. 利于甲者未必利于乙。 after meat , mustard 饭后上芥末,〔转义〕雨后送伞。 as full (of errors) as an egg is of meat (头脑等)充满了(错误);尽是(错误)。 be at meat 正在吃饭。 be meat and drink to 对(某人)是无上的乐趣。 be meat for sb.'s master 太好。 meat and potatoes 〔美俚〕重点,基础。 sit at meat 就席。 meat-and-potatoes adj. 〔美俚〕重要的,基本的。
Applications approved for import licence for frozen chilled meat and poultry 申请冷藏冷冻肉类及家禽进口证获批准的个案
Chilled meat and poultry 冰鲜肉类及家禽
No . of applications approved for import licence for frozen chilled meat and poultry 申请冷藏冷冻肉类及家禽进口证获批准的个案数目
No . of applications for import licence for frozen chilled meat and poultry approved 申请冷藏冷冻肉类及家禽进口证获批准的个案数目
The department also keeps a close watch over the irregularity of selling imported chilled meat as fresh meat 本署也密切监察把进口冰鲜肉类当作新鲜肉类出售的违规活动。
The department also keeps a close watch over the irregular practice of selling imported chilled meat as fresh meat 本署也密切监察把进口冰鲜肉类当作新鲜肉类出售的违规活动。
The department succeeds in taking enforcement action against three supermarkets in cheung hang estate , tsing yi estate and kwai shing west estate for displaying chilled meat as fresh meat for sale 本署发现3间分别位于长亨青衣及葵盛西的超级市场,以冰鲜肉冒充鲜肉出售,并已向其负责人发出警告。
The department also keeps a close watch over the malpractice of selling imported chilled meat as fresh meat . as a result , six cases of cancellation of fresh provision shop licence were effected 本署密切监察把进口冰鲜肉类当作新鲜肉类出售的不当行为,年内有6宗个案,本署已吊销其新鲜粮食店牌照。
The department succeeds in taking enforcement action against three supermarkets in cheung hang estate , tsing yi estate and kwai shing west estate for displaying chilled meat as fresh meat for sale 本署发现3间分别位于长亨? 、青衣?及葵盛西?的超级市场,以冰鲜肉冒充鲜肉出售,并已向其负责人发出警告。
Since the export quota control over chilled meats for supply to hong kong was abolished in 2002 , the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) has engaged the mainland authorities in a step - by - step negotiation over detailed inspection and quarantine arrangements for various types of meat . chilled chickens from the mainland were first imported to hong kong at the end of 2002 and a comprehensive inspection and quarantine mechanism for chilled chicken imports has now been put in place 自内地于二二年取消供港冰鲜禽肉配额管理后,食物环境?生署(食环署)就进口冰鲜禽肉,一直都与内地有关部门保持联系,按步就班磋商各类肉类检验检疫工作的细节安排,而内地已于二二年底首先输入冰鲜鸡。